On Saturday, May 14, 2022 Arizona Gay Rodeo Association Board Members, Committee Members, Volunteers, and Royalty gathered at Charlie’s Phoenix to present our donations from our 2022 Arizona Gay Rodeo profits to local LGBTQ organizations. This year we set a new record for giving, with $70,000 going to nine organizations! Our previous record was $32,004 donated from the 2019 Arizona Gay Rodeo.
The evening opened with a performance by AGRA Fundraising Director Claudia B., and checks were presented by Board of Directors Executive Assistant Michael Weidmann, Trustee Mark Christensen, and President Ron Trusley. Representatives from each organization were given a few minutes to speak about how they impact the local LGBTQ community. Between check presentations there were performances by Charlie’s Resident Queen Kimberly Ka’Oir, and Miss IGRA 2020/2021 Nikki Starr.
Checks were presented to:
Community Church of Hope – $ 5,200.00
Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network – $ 5,200.00
Phoenix Storm Rugby Team – $ 5,200.00
Casa de Cristo Church & Apostolic Center – $ 5,200.00
The Queer Center – $ 5,200.00
Phoenix Gay Men’s Chorus – $ 11,000.00
Strength for the Journey – $ 11,000.00
Cactus Cities Softball League – $ 11,000.00
Phoenix Gay Flag Football League – $ 11,000.00
After the final check was presented a group photo featuring all of the organizations was taken with a giant check for $70,000 while gold confetti exploded from confetti canons, showering the crowd in a grand finale to an amazing Celebration of Giving. We thank all the Members, Volunteers, Contestants, Royalty, and Fans that make the Arizona Gay Rodeo possible and allow us to donate $70,000 back to our community. That’s what Gay Rodeo is all about!

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